Backlink | Know Them and Learn To Creat Them in Free
What are Backlins
Backlinks are generally incoming links to any web page from others page, Mainly Backlinks are of two types
Internal Incomig Link
External Incomig links
What are Internal Backlink
Internal Backlink are those links that come from the same site, linking one page of a site to another page
What are External Backlinks
External Backlinks are those links that are coming from another site to any other site, not from the same site
What are Benefits of Backlinks
Backlinks are important for indexing your site and get ranked in search engine
Google and Major Search engines consider Backlinks as vote to rank for specific URLs. Page with a high No of Backlinks has good organic search ranking.
Using links in a search engine algorithm is nothing new. In fact, backlinks formed the foundation of Google’s original algorithm (known as “PageRank”).
Even though Google has made thousands of changes to its algorithm since then, backlinks remain a key ranking signal.
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