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Olympic teams must abide by strict dress codes including clothing length

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As the 2020 Tokyo Olympics finally kicked off after a year’s delay, we have seen an increase in those taking part questioning the dress codes and outfit rules.

Team GB’s very own Paralympian Olivia Breen was recently given a warning over the length of her briefs as they were deemed too short.

As well as this, the Norwegian handball team also came under fire by officials as they chose to wear shorts instead of bikinis, resulting in a €1,500 fine.

We can’t really believe that these rules still exist, but they’re there for a reason, so we thought to dive a little deeper into the rules and regulations when it comes to the Olympic teams kits.

The Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games had its exciting opening ceremony on Friday 23 July (Image: 2021 Getty Images)

When it comes to the rules, there are different protocols for each sport, and there’s over 30 sports so we thought to just explain the main guidelines.

Starting off with how the size of the logos have certain size requirements depending on the item which they’re displayed on.

On clothing items the logo should not exceed 30cm squared, whilst accessories like socks state it shouldn’t be larger than 10cm squared.

In addition to this, items such as headphones, water bottles, coolers, umbrellas and towels are completely banned from showing any logos at all.

There are many outfit rules and protocols that athletes have to abide by (Image: 2016 Getty Images)

Referring back to sports such as beach volleyball and handball, male players are required to wear a vest and shorts which must be a minimum of 10cm above the top of the knee cap.

Whereas female members have the option of four different kits, which all teams must agree to the same style.

These include a vest and briefs, a one piece, t-shirt and shorts or a cropped vest with shorts.

Gymnastic outfits have to be decorative but smart and follow certain neckline rules (Image: Getty Images)

One of our favourite sports is none other than gymnastics as we constantly ask ourselves ‘how do they bend that way?’

We also love to see the decorative uniforms which can only have a scooped or v-neck neckline as well as not being transparent.

It is also said that no jewellery or earrings can be worn unless they are small studs, which we understand as no one wants an accident whilst doing a tumble.

Germany’s gymnastic teams have taken a stand against sexualisation in the sport and have chosen to wear sleeveless, long-legged unitards.

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Female figure skaters aren’t allowed to wear trousers when competing so have to wear skirts (Image: 2016 Getty Images)

The sport that has the most dress rules is figure skating and has gender-specific guidelines.

These include men always wearing full-length trousers and no tights, whilst women have to sport skirts to perform.

The outfits should be modest and appropriate as if there is a certain amount of nudity displayed, this will result in penalties.

Track and field athletes aren’t forced to wear trainers when competing (Image: OLIVIER MORIN/AFP via Getty Images)

Whilst track and field outfits aren’t allowed any promotional or advertising signage on them, they don’t have as many tick boxes as the participants can wear most clothing.

This can include vests, singlets, shorts, half tights and even leotards and one-piece speed suits.

One main guideline that they all stick to is that obviously items must be tight and figure hugging so that the competitors’ bodies remain streamlined for events such as sprinting and high jumps.

But what is rare to see but is allowed is that track and field athletes aren’t required to wear shoes.

So as the Tokyo 2020 Olympics get underway, we can’t wait to see all of the uniforms and kits be put into action as the competition starts.

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