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Halo Infinite Flighting Program Starting “As Soon As Next Weekend”

Halo Insiders For The Win

343 has just dropped its latest “Inside Infinite” blog post for the month of July, announcing the first “technical focused” flight is happening as soon as next weekend. The blog post also revealed various details regarding what the main focus of the flights will be, and what to expect in the coming months before Halo Infinite releases this Holiday.

The blog post highlights that the flights are going to be called “technical preview”, they are essentially further along than what would be called an alpha, but not yet at the level of preparedness that is expected from a beta. The technical preview term also sheds a light on what will be the main focus of those early flights, spotting technical bugs and fixing them ahead of release.

Halo Infinite Pre Release

Source: Halo Waypoint

Technical flights will mainly be looking for feedback regarding Four main areas, the game’s stability across all different platforms, online services adequacy for large-scale matchmaking between consoles and PC, as well as the new Halo Waypoint app for iOS and Android.

“Our team has already put in the hard work developing the tools to measure and collect information about nearly every scenario imaginable, such as game crashes or matchmaking failures, so technical previews will give us a unique opportunity to compare our internal data to what we see show up in the wild. Measuring the game’s stability and performance, especially at scale, is an integral part of a game’s journey to launch.” 343 clarifies in the blog post.

The blog post also reveals what kind of content should Insiders keep an eye out for. Leading the way is gameplay and the new Halo Infinite combat style, player movement, and weapons/equipment balance. The new maps and game modes, their flow, and how “fun” they are. The new Academy and its weapon drills that should be able to teach new players how the weapons of the Halo universe function. Lastly the new Menu UI and how intuitive the navigation is, as well as the new battle pass system.

Halo Infinite Pre Release

Source: Halo Waypoint

It’s worth mentioning that this is the very first time 343 is implementing a battle pass system in a Halo game. During the flights, players will be able to progress in the battle pass, as well as actually use the unlockables to customize their spartans. This is only in place so that 343 could learn from the feedback and improve on the current system, players will not however be keeping any of their battle pass progress or unlocked customization parts.

“We are also closely monitoring the overall quality of matchmaking which includes reliability, load times, and skill matching. In addition, the performance of our dedicated servers, the performance of the game itself (particularly across different PC configurations), and our overall netcode quality are all under scrutiny. And with Halo Infinite’s greater emphasis on player customization, we’re going to be paying close attention to progression, challenges, and which customization items people are unlocking and using.” 343 elaborated in the blog post.

343 has graced us all with an earlier than expected blog post for the month of July, possibly to make room for the flight itself coming next weekend. It’s more than likely that we’ll know more details very soon, for the exact dates and more details when revealed, stay tuned to COGconnected. To join in on the Technical Previews of Halo Infinite, make sure to sign up here .


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