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Breaking Down the Possible Power Allegiances In ‘Succession’ Season 3

“You are Kendall Roy. You are Kendall fucking Roy.”

And with those beautiful words we are plunged back into the venomous bliss of everyone’s favorite family. Succession might not have arrived on our screens quite yet but with the arrival of a new trailer we can safety say the backstabbing is in the post. In the conflict–heavy teaser we see Kendall trying to wheedle his siblings, Greg flailing between enemy lines and Daddy Roy giving the middle finger to absolutely everyone. But if you look between the knifings and withering put-downs, there are hints at some new and broken allegiances to come:

Kendall Roy and anyone he can get

Unsurprisingly after his mic drop moment at the close of season 2, in which he publicly turned against his father in a live news conference, Kendall is on the out in season 3. While he’s still allowed back into the Waystar Royco office (for one scene at least) the sight of Logan lunging furiously at him suggests that we all perhaps read too much into that flicker of a smile he showed at his prodigal son’s betrayal. There’s one particularly telling line in the trailer where we see Kendall telling all three of his siblings: “He’s our dad, but he was going to send me to jail. He’d do the same to all of us”, suggesting he is trying to orchestrate a rebellion from within the family ranks. Luckily for us, as he cries at one point: “The revolution will be televised!”

Shiv’s loyalty to Logan is in jeopardy

Shiv spitting into an open book, that’s it that’s the Tweet etc etc. While the only Roy daughter clinches the most dramatic moment in the new trailer, there’s also signs of friction between her and daddy dearest as he questions her loyalty to the enterprise, stating coolly that she’s either part of this family or not. It’s unclear where the next moment we see will fall (In which she tells Roman, and maybe some others we can’t see, “If I back you against dad, you would need to let me take over the company”) but clearly there’s mutiny on the cards for season three. One of the most interesting parts of season two was seeing Shiv wrestle with her father’s hold over her, so we can’t wait to see how this one plays out.

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Where is Gerri?

Waystar Royco’s legal counsel Gerri got into a bad romance with her personal slime puppy Roman in season two, bringing the show some much needed sex even if it was somewhat stomach-turning. The new trailer is all the poorer for not featuring a Gerri cameo, leaving us wondering whether we should read into this that the Roman/Gerri power duo will take a backseat in season three. Beyond the inherent joy of hearing Gerri call Roman a sick animal, she was on Team Roman and working to help his bid to take over the company. Is that all over now?

The Greggs have cracked


The Tomlette has hit an iceberg, with all our war between Greg and Tom. We see Greggo having a meltdown as everyone goes into battle and he is left exposed after supplying the documents he was meant to shred to Kendall for his Judas moment. The bridge between Greg and Tom Wambsgams being burnt to cinders looks like very good news for viewers as the war of words between them will make for excellent comedy material. “Logan is going to fire a million poisonous spiders down your dicky,” Tom snarls down the phone. To which Greg perfectly replies, “That sounds, like, kind of dramatic, Tom.”

Daddy Roy vs the rest of the world


The master of the perfectly timed fuck off, it’s no surprise that Logan Roy looks to be taking no prisoners after being betrayed by his son. “I’m going to grind his bones to make my fucking bread,” he tells Kendall via his wing-woman Jess. Kendall replies with a car crash of an insult threatening to “run up off the Beanstalk”, resulting in a devastatingly evil laugh from Logan. It’s clear from less than two minutes of drama that Logan would rather go down in flames, bullying and manipulating those nearest to him, instead of having to back down for one single second. Bring on World War III.

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